Data Fields

Mandatory Fields

The following fields are mandatory for all ENS declarations

  1. LRN
  2. Consignor
  3. Consignee
  4. Person lodging the declaration
  5. Routing countries
  6. Mode of transport at the border
  7. Identity of means of transport at the border
  8. First place of arrival code
  9. Date and time of arrival at first place of arrival
  10. Place of loading
  11. Place of unloading code
  12. Goods description
  13. Types of packages
  14. Number of packages
  15. Goods item number
  16. Gross mass
  17. Seal number(s)
  18. Transport document number
  19. Transport charges method of payment code
  20. Declaration date and time (system generated)

Conditional fields

These fields are mandatory only in certain circumstances

Field Condition(s)
Unique consignment reference number This field must be provided by Fast Parcel Operators. It is optional for other modes of transport.
Carrier This field must be completed if the carrier is different from the person lodging the ENS.
Notify party This field must be provided where this information is available.
Conveyance reference number This field is not applicable for RoRo, where the intended ferry company name should be included (if known).
Number of pieces This field must be provided if pieces are unpackaged.
Container number This field must be provided where containers are being moved. In particular this must be provided for Maritime Containers and Unaccompanied RoRo (where it should be Trailer Number).
Shipping marks and numbers This field must be completed for all packaged goods, and should include information and descriptions that will enable the identification of individual packages.
UN Dangerous Goods code This field must be provided where relevant.

Header Fields

Header fields releate to every item.



Local Reference number - this field needs to be unique for each "Person Lodging" and is validated using the "Person Lodging" EORI for declarations which have been submitted. Must be unique per declarant submitting the declaration.

The LRN will be used by HMRC to reference the specific entry summary declaration if there are any queries around the submitted declaration before it has been accepted and a movement reference number (MRN) issued. Therefore it must be unique per declarant submitting the declaration.

Message Sender


The message sender field is made up of the sender EORI and branch. The Branch ID/Sub Office is a 10-digit number and is a required field for S&S GB messages. The Branch ID is a number that the trader adds and is not something HMRC provides.

The EORI should be the same as the EORI related to the HMRC authorisation used to submit the declaration.

Transport mode at the border


Transport Mode at Border is a required field which must be one of the following values entered with no leading zeros:

  • 1 - Maritime
  • 2 - Rail
  • 3 - Road
  • 4 - Air (including fly trucks)
  • 8 - Inland water transport
  • 10 - RoRo - accompanied
  • 11 - RoRo - unaccompanied



The Consignor is: the party who is making the declaration, or the party on whose behalf you are making the declaration. The consignor is the owner of the goods or has similar right of disposal over them at the time the declaration is made.



The Consignee is the party to whom goods are actually consigned.

Person lodging declaration


The person lodging the entry summary declaration.


Conditional - this field must be completed if the carrier is different from the person lodging the ENS.

The party that transports the goods at the point of entry into the UK. Required when different from the person lodging the declaration.

This must be completed if the carrier is different from the person lodging the entry summary declaration. The person lodging the declaration must ensure they have the carrier's 'knowledge and consent' to submit the entry summary declaration on their behalf.

The carrier's GB EORI must be provided.

Notify party

Conditional - this field must be provided where this information is available.

The party who needs to be notified of the arrival of the goods, if applicable.



The Representative trader is the person the declarant has authorised to represent them.

Place of Declaration

Optional - the place where the declaration was submitted.

Identity of means of transport crossing the border


  • For maritime, the IMO ship identification number
  • For Rail the wagon number
  • Not to be used for Air - the IATA flight number should be included in the data field 'conveyance reference number'.
  • Road (Channel Tunnel), the Vehicle Registration Number
  • For accompanied roll-on roll-off, the Vehicle Registration Number
  • For unaccompanied roll-on roll-off, the IMO ship identification number

Nationality of means of transport at the border


Optional - the country code of the means of transport crossing the border if transport mode is:

  • 3 - Road
  • 10 - RoRo - accompanied
  • 11 - RoRo - unaccompanied

Place of Loading


The place the goods are loaded onto the means of transport. Must start with the 2-digit country code.

Place of Unloading


The place where the goods are unloaded from the means of transport. Must start with the 2-digit country code.

Customs office of Arrival


The customs office of first entry in the UK.

Date and Time at First Place of Arrival


The scheduled arrival date and time at the customs office of first entry. The time must be in GMT.

Scheduled date and time of arrival of means of transport at:

  • air: first airport
  • road: Channel Tunnel arrival at first border post
  • sea: arrival at first port
  • rail: arrival at Dollands Moor freight yard

The scheduled date and time of arrival is a static reference point. It should be the same on all entry summary declarations submitted for consignments on that vessel, aircraft, train, or vehicle regardless of whether they are submitted by the carrier or by representatives on their behalf. Representatives should, therefore, obtain this information from the carrier.

Transport Charges Method of Payment


  • A - Payment in cash
  • B - Payment by credit card
  • C - Payment by cheque
  • D -Other (for example direct debit to cash account)
  • H - Electronic credit transfer
  • Y - Account holder with carrier
  • Z - Not pre-paid

Commercial Reference Number

Optional - although if provided the user will not need to provide transport document numbers.

The UCN/UCR must be provided by Fast Parcel Operators and Express Operators, to enable the identification of the consignment.

If further reference numbers are available to support identification of the declaration for commercial purposes, use this field.

Conveyence Reference Number

Conditional - This field is not applicable for RoRo, where the intended ferry company name should be included (if known).

This field should be provided for all modes except accompanied or unaccompanied roll on roll off. You should provide information to identify the journey of the means of transport for example, voyage, flight or trip number, if applicable.

  • For Sea and Maritime, where the conveyance reference number is used, and the first four digits consist of XFER in uppercase, then it must be followed by the lorry registration plate number, without any separator between 'XFER' and the lorry plate. Otherwise XFER cannot be used in the first four digits of the conveyance reference number.
  • For Air, the IATA number should be included. The format is an..8, and must contain the carrier code (AN3), the flight number (N4) and an optional suffix (a1) without any separator between the two or three elements.
  • For Rail, the train number is to be provided.

Special Mentions


Additional Information/Special Indication Codes to be sent.

Routing Countries


Country Codes for all countries where goods are being routed between the country of original departure and final destination, in chronological order (including the countries of departure and destination).

Item Fields

Any fields that are shown as required for Header and Item level must be present at either header or item level.

Commodity Code


The Commodity Code of the goods item, Only the first 6 digits are required.

Goods Description


This is a free text field to enter a description of the goods which are being sent.

This is a plain language description precise enough for customs to be able to identify the goods without reference to other documents/materials.

General terms such as "consolidated", "general cargo", "parts" or "miscellaneous" should not be provided. Providing an inaccurate or general description of the goods may lead to unnecessary delays, such as physical examinations of goods to ascertain their real nature.

The tariff chapter heading should not be used as a substitute for a plain language goods description.

Commercial Reference Number

Optional - although if provided the user will not need to provide transport document numbers.

Commercial Reference Number needs to follow the WCO recommended format:

year (2 digits), EORI no., another commercial ref (Invoice no.) / waybill no

This is issued by industry in order to identify specific goods (a particular consignment) within a load of multiple consignments, and can be used by Border Force for identification of consignments.

Note: This is not a required field but if entered the user will not need to provide transport document numbers.

Gross Mass


Total Gross Weight (mass) of goods including packaging. This excludes any specialist equipment the carrier may use.

UN Dangerous Goods Code


This code is a unique serial number assigned by the UN. It must be provided where relevant.

Identity of Means of Border Transport


This field, where appropriate, contains the identity of the means of transport or, if containerised, the equipment identification number

Nationality of Means of Border Transport


This field is to enter 'Nationality' of Means of Transport Crossing Border using a 'Country Code' if transport mode at border is one of the following:

  • 3 - Road
  • 10 - RoRo - accompanied
  • 11 - RoRo - unaccompanied

This is not required if Identity of means of transport is provided at the Header level.

Place of Loading


Place of Loading is used for the identification of the seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which the goods are loaded onto the means of transport being used for their carriage, including the country where it is located:

  • where available, coded information should be provided for the identification of the location, that is the first 2 digits country code, followed by port code, but format validation limited to Alpha Numeric 35
  • this must be provided at either Header or Item level. If provided at Header level, it cannot be provided at item level. If provided at item level, it must be provided for every item

Place of Unloading


Place of unloading is used for the identification of the seaport, airport, freight terminal, rail station or other place at which the goods are unloaded. Where available, coded information should be provided for the identification of the location, i.e. first 2 digits country code, followed by port code, but format validation limited to Alpha Numeric 35

Transport Charges Method of Payment


Transport charges method of payment code - this information is only to be provided where available

The following codes can be used:

  • A - Payment in cash
  • B - Payment by credit card
  • C - Payment by cheque
  • D -Other (e.g. direct debit to cash account)
  • H - Electronic credit transfer
  • Y - Account holder with carrier
  • Z - Not pre-paid



The type, quantity and marks of the packaging.

Produced Documents

Any transport documents related to this shipment.

You must provide all the applicable international and national documents, certificates and authorisations produced in support of the declaration, including their reference numbers, such as the Bill of lading, Airway bill, CMR etc.

You must identify the type of document being produced using the relevant document type code, followed by the identification number of the document (Refer to Document type tab).

Where the person lodging the declaration is different from the carrier, the transport document number of the carrier shall also be provided.


Conditional - This field must be provided where containers are being moved. In particular this must be provided for Maritime Containers and Unaccompanied RoRo (where it should be Trailer Number).

The unique Container or trailer number (letters or numbers) which identifies the container/trailer.

This field must be provided when containers or trailers are being moved. However, where multiple consignments are carried in a single container provision of Marks and Numbers will assist identification of the relevant cargo and minimise delays.

In particular this must be provided for Maritime Containers, Road (Channel Tunnel), Accompanied RoRo, Unaccompanied RoRo and Road modes. The Trailer number provided should be the trailer number registered with the respective national authority in the country of registration..



The Consignor is the party who is making the declaration, or the party on whose behalf you are making the declaration. The consignor is the owner of the goods or has similar right of disposal over them at the time the declaration is made.



The Consignee is the party to whom goods are actually consigned.

Notify Party

Conditional - this field must be provided where this information is available.

Details of the party to be notified at entry of the arrival of the goods must be provided where applicable.

Where the goods are carried under a negotiable bill of lading that is 'to order blank endorsed', in which case the consignee is not mentioned and special mentions code 10600 (from code list) is entered, the Notify Party shall always be provided.

If the party to be notified has an EORI or Trader Identification Number (TIN) is held, this should also be provided.