Upload import data

You can upload one or more imports using our CSV template. This can make it much easier for you to create import declarations if you have data in another system, and you want to bring it over to ClearPort.

Uploading import declarations

Basic CSV Template

Full CSV Template

When you upload a CSV with more than one line, ClearPort will combine all the lines with identical Header information onto the same declaration (fields marked both Header and Item do not need to be the same for each line), otherwise multiple declarations will be created.

Field name Header/Item Description Example
LRN Header
Traders Reference Header/Item IM-123
Invoice Number Header/Item The commercial invoice reference number INV-456
Import Template Name Header The name of the template to use when creating imports. Any values in the template will be overwritten by values in the CSV file. See Import Templates
Item Template Name Item The name of the template to use when creating a line item. Any values in the template will be overwritten by values in the CSV file. See Import Templates
Category Header B1
Declaration Type Header IMD
Badge Header
Consignor Code Header/Item The code of the contact to use for the consignor.
Consignor Name Header/Item The name of the consignor/exporter. If Consignor Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Consignor EORI Header/Item The EORI of the consignor/exporter. If Consignor Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Consignor Street and number Header/Item The street address of the consignor/exporter. If Consignor Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Consignor City Header/Item The city of the consignor/exporter. If Consignor Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Consignor Postcode Header/Item The postcode of the consignor/exporter. If Consignor Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Consignor Country Header/Item The country of the consignor/exporter. If Consignor Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Consignee Code Header The code of the contact to use for the consignee.
Consignee Name Header The name of the consignee/importer. If Consignee Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Consignee EORI Header The EORI of the consignee/importer. If Consignee Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Consignee Street and number Header The street address of the consignee/importer. If Consignee Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Consignee City Header The city of the consignee/importer. If Consignee Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Consignee Postcode Header The postcode of the consignee/importer. If Consignee Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Consignee Country Header The country of the consignee/importer. If Consignee Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Declarant Code Header The code of the contact to use for the declarant.
Declarant Name Header The name of the declarant. If Declarant Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Declarant EORI Header The EORI of the declarant. If Declarant Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Declarant Street and number Header The street address of the declarant. If Declarant Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Declarant City Header The city of the declarant. If Declarant Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Declarant Postcode Header The postcode of the declarant. If Declarant Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Declarant Country Header The country of the declarant. If Declarant Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Representative Code Header The code of the contact to use for the representative.
Representative Name Header The name of the representative. If Representative Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Representative EORI Header The EORI of the representative. If Representative Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Representative Street and number Header The street address of the representative. If Representative Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Representative City Header The city of the representative. If Representative Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Representative Postcode Header The postcode of the representative. If Representative Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Representative Country Header The country of the representative. If Representative Code is specified, the value in this field will take precedence.
Representative Status Code Header
Inland Mode of Transport Header
Border Nationality Header
Arrival Transport Id Header
Arrival Transport Id Type Header
Mode of Transport at the Border Header
Nature of Transaction Header/Item
Destination Country Header/Item
Dispatch Country Header/Item
GVMS Header Yes if using a GVMS port. Blank or any other value is ignored.
GVMS Description Header HMRC recommend the haulier EORi number for this field.
Containerised Header Yes if this clearance is for containerised goods. Blank or any other value is ignored.
DAN1 Header The first Deferment Account Number
DAN2 Header The second Deferment Account Number
PVA Header Yes if using Postponed VAT Accounting (PVA).
PVA VAT Number Header The VAT number to use for PVA.
Cash Account Number Header The CDS Cash Account number.
Goods Location Header The CDS Goods Location Code
Incoterms Header
Incoterms Location Header
Freight Charge Header
Freight Charge Currency Header
Air Transport Charge Header
Air Transport Charge Currency Header
Airport of Loading Header
Insurance Header
Insurance Currency Header
VAT Adjustment Header
VAT Adjustment Currency Header
Apportion Costs By Header
Warehouse Id Header
Warehouse Type Header
Supervising Customs Office Header
Presentation Office Header
Commodity Code Item
Taric Additional Code Item
National Additional Code Item
Goods Description Item
Procedure Item
Additional Procedures Item
Preference Item
Country of Origin Item
Country of Preferential Origin Item
Valuation Method Item
Gross Mass Item
Net Mass Item
Supplementary Units Item
Item Price Item
Item Price Currency Item
Stat Value Item
Stat Value Currency Item
Quota Item
Value Item
Transport Costs to Final Destination Item
Nature of Transaction Header/Item
Previous Document 1 Header/Item Format: Category | Type | Document Reference Z|380|INV-648
Previous Document 2 Header/Item Format: Category | Type | Document Reference Z|380|INV-648
Previous Document 3 Header/Item Format: Category | Type | Document Reference Z|380|INV-648
Previous Document 4 Header/Item Format: Category | Type | Document Reference Z|380|INV-648
Previous Document 5 Header/Item Format: Category | Type | Document Reference Z|380|INV-648
Documents Produced 1 Item Format: Category+Type | Reference | Status | Reason N935|DOC-211|AC
Documents Produced 2 Item Format: Category+Type | Reference | Status | Reason 999L| | |CDS Waiver
Documents Produced 3 Item Format: Category+Type | Reference | Status | Reason
Documents Produced 4 Item Format: Category+Type | Reference | Status | Reason
Documents Produced 5 Item Format: Category+Type | Reference | Status | Reason
Packages 1 Item Format: Number | Type | Marks 21|BX|as addressed
Packages 2 Item Format: Number | Type | Marks 21|BX|as addressed
Packages 3 Item Format: Number | Type | Marks 21|BX|as addressed
Packages 4 Item Format: Number | Type | Marks 21|BX|as addressed
Packages 5 Item Format: Number | Type | Marks 21|BX|as addressed
Duty Payment Method Item
VAT Payment Method Item

Uploading commodity codes

If you have an existing export declaration, you can simply upload the commodity codes using the following CSV template:

Basic Commodity Code CSV Template

Full Commodity Code CSV Template

ClearPort will create one commodity code per line

Field name Description Example
Commodity Code
Taric Additional Code
National Additional Code
Goods Description
Reference Number
Additional Procedures
Country of Origin
Country of Preferential Origin
Valuation Method
Gross Mass
Net Mass
Supplementary Units
Item Price
Item Price Currency
Stat Value
Stat Value Currency
Nature of Transaction
Country of Destination
Country of Dispatch
Transport Costs to Final Destination
Duty Payment Method
VAT Payment Method
Previous Document 1 Header/Format: Category | Type | Document Reference Z|380|INV-648
Previous Document 2 Header/Format: Category | Type | Document Reference Z|380|INV-648
Previous Document 3 Header/Format: Category | Type | Document Reference Z|380|INV-648
Previous Document 4 Header/Format: Category | Type | Document Reference Z|380|INV-648
Previous Document 5 Header/Format: Category | Type | Document Reference Z|380|INV-648
Documents Produced 1 Format: Category+Type | Reference | Status | Reason N935|DOC-211|AC
Documents Produced 2 Format: Category+Type | Reference | Status | Reason 999L| | |CDS Waiver
Documents Produced 3 Format: Category+Type | Reference | Status | Reason
Documents Produced 4 Format: Category+Type | Reference | Status | Reason
Documents Produced 5 Format: Category+Type | Reference | Status | Reason
Packages 1 Format: Number | Type | Marks 21|BX|as addressed
Packages 2 Format: Number | Type | Marks 21|BX|as addressed
Packages 3 Format: Number | Type | Marks 21|BX|as addressed
Packages 4 Format: Number | Type | Marks 21|BX|as addressed
Packages 5 Format: Number | Type | Marks 21|BX|as addressed